
Gets the print settings for a particular ink. This query only applies to HiFi inks.

Query constructor

PGetInkInfo(const char * sInkName);

Name of the ink, as it appears in the Print dialog.

Query results

const char * sAngle;

Angle at which the ink will be screened (the value is returned in a string format as it appears in the Print dialog.)

const char * sRuling ;

Ruling at which the ink will be screened (the value is returned in a string format, as it appears in the Print dialog.)

short bCustomND;

0 if the default neutral density value for this ink will be used.
1 if a custom neutral density value will be used.

short nNuetralDensity;

The neutral density for ink (in thousandths to 3 decimal places), from 0.000 to 10.000 that will be used in printing the ink.

See also

The PDefineColor, PInkND, and PPrintInk commands

The PGetColor, PGetColorInfo, PGetColorNames, PGetInkNames, and PGetInkND queries

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